I find the whole subject of maximising your income, saving money, budgetting and yes living a frugal lifestyle very interesting. Though for the first chapter or two I admit I struggled with this book. I wasn’t enjoying reading it and then slowly that changed. Kath Kelly’s attitude, determination changed that and then I found myself keen to see how the months progressed, how she adapted and was interested in her insight.
So I’ve got ahead of myself here haven’t I! What exactly is at the core of this book? The living on a pound a day sounds extreme, even for 2004 when I think Kath did it. It was the principle, Kath living in Bristol and a teacher, wanted to save some money to buy a present for her Brother and sister-in-law to be at their wedding in a years time. The reality is though even without that target it was a lifestyle change, an outlook change and seeing just how far she could and would push herself to do it.
You can tell from the details of Kath’s past she gives that the mind-set was there to be able to take this challenge on. Which she did, diving straight in at the deep end. From free events & food to eating food past it’s sell by date and making clothes last, plus more. This book when finished had the opposite effect to my experience at the beginning. I wanted to read more.
It will make you question your lifestyle, it will make you think. Plus Kath’s personal adventure through the year was enjoyable and I’m glad I stuck with the book.
Don’t just read this book if your interested in the subject of saving money. Read it because Kath’s story was a good read.
My hat off to your Kath and in the spirit…. I borrowed the book from a library. 🙂
How I Lived a Year on Just a Pound a Day – Kath Kelly ISBN 978-1-906593-12-4
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