This is a partial book review of The Elizabethan Secret Services by Alan Haynes. After seventy-nine pages I walked away from this book. Not due to the topic, not due to lack of interest. No quite the opposite, I find it is an incredibly interesting subject. So why?
I found reading the book akin to wading through treacle. This is by no means disrespect to the author. The book simply didn’t flow for me and often I found myself thinking less detail would of actually contributed to the flow, contributed to a wider audience picking up this book.
I have many history books upon my shelves, this book though was a borrow from the local library. Unfortunately it will not be one I will be buying. I’m sure though for historians this book is one many will eagerly read.
So having said all that, what are some key points? Even though I reached page 79, there was a lot cramped into those pages. Essentially the book (or as far as I got anyhow) outlines the measures put in place by those running the country (England) in the Elizabethan era. With a strong focus around the protestant versus catholic movements both within England and abroad. Expect spies, royalty, ambassadors and a whole host of other characters.
I felt I should still write a partial review, just a shame it was negative.
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