I’ve read this book before, and I’ve seen two movies and a t.v. episode based upon the story. Did I enjoy reading this book again? Yes, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s writing is a joy to read. Each page captured and held my attention, regardless of whether excitement was contained within that particular page or not. As Sherlock searches for clues, piecing together what is key and what can be discarded, you find yourself doing the same. The book draws you in and no movie or t.v. episode, no matter how well acted and portrayed can match reading the book.
Young Sir Henry Baskerville has arrived in the UK after his Uncle’s untimely death. Heir to Baskerville Hall, the estate and the accompanying responsibilities, he is keen to take up his new station in life.
Yet there could be a curse upon the family, due to the actions of Hugo Baskerville an ancestor centuries passed. The actions that have led to the hound of the Baskerville’s. A terrifying hound heard upon the moors and some believe responsible for the death of Sir Charles Baskerville, Sir Henry’s uncle.
With Sir Henry back at his families estate, the chilling and terrifying sound of the hound is heard, will Sir Henry be its next victim?
I always find the Sherlock Holmes books addictive reads, even if rereading. This particular book is most likely the most famous of them all. Even if you have seen a screen adaption, you hopefully will find this book a rewarding addition, enriching the story.
A chilling and interesting side note is that part of the story is actually based upon the legend of Richard Cabell. ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hound_of_the_Baskervilles
The story in its entirety can be read at: https://sirconandoyle.com/the-hound-of-the-baskervilles/ Though personally I love reading paper based books.
I found this book a good read and enjoyable. Highly recommended.
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