Books: The Blood of Father Time – Book One: The New Cut & Book Two: The Mystic Clan’s Grand Plot
Authors: Alan M. Clark, Stephen C. Merritt & Lorelei Shannon
Two fiction books co-written by three different authors, did it work? On the whole yes and was a highly addictive read. It’s primarily based in the days of the American southern frontier in the first half of the 19th century.
I’m going to write the review about the two books as if they were one. You could read the second book separately in theory as it mentions the firsts storyline, but I recommend reading both in order.
Following the lead character Joel and two other children Mark & Billy who accidentally find themselves trapped back in the past. From modern day relationship issues, abuse and vulnerability, to confronting those same areas in the past (back in time), but far more extreme.
Then later you find some of the characters now older, plus new characters both from the past & dealing with relationships, their past and present thrust into historic events.
These books are only suitable for adults to read. You read about death, there are graphic descriptions of murder and yes at times it was uncomfortable reading. Plus also for some reason in the first book they went overboard describing insects and killing them. At times I felt unwarranted, even though I realised the authors were trying to use it to build up the profile of the characters, I wish they had found another way.
You could say the books revolve around the frontier and bandits, following the bloody destruction they cause. Yet I found I kept comparing all the events to moral values and the depths in which humanity will sink. However there were rays of light and individual discovery.
I found these books extremely interesting also from their historic perspective, from gunfights to frontier life and the lives of the people. In the terms of humanities history not so long ago. It was shocking to read about the slavery and saddens me humanity can be so cruel to each other. Yet this is a fictional story, but well written and obviously well researched.
Don’t read these books for the time travel aspect, you will feel let down. That was a method to place these modern day characters in the past, there was no special equipment, no talk of the science involved, the why. However the process was well written and merged well into the books.
Wow okay that all sounded pretty deep. The fact is if you can cope with the violence, these books were a great read. Highly addictive and kept me wanting to know the outcome. I read both books in order, one after the other….within two days. They were that compelling a read.
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