This book was a Christmas present that I had placed on an Amazon wishlist. A science fiction story about parallel earths to be sure, but really a story of a person in their late teens growing up, the possibilities and friendship.
John Rayburn from Ohio is befriended by…… another John Rayburn from a parallel earth. Where their lives are almost indentical, but differences and circumstances set the two apart. One aspect being a device that can transport you across parallel earths.
One of the John’s finds himself moving across parallel earths unable to go back, whilst another steals his life. Even worse, if not being let down by yourself isn’t bad enough, there are enemies out there and John soon comes up against them. Can John work out how to get back? Will the doppelgänger ruin his life? In the meantime John settles into a new earth, which adds possiblities and hurdles.
There are parallel earth bits and bobs in the book. As I stated at the beginning of this review this is more a story about growth, friendship and possibilities. Meeting people you know from one earth, yet on another. The subtle differences, the path not taken, the larger differences over time.
Okay enough already! This is a science fiction book, yes. However read this book not just for the scifi, but for everything else in between I’ve mentioned. That was one major aspect of the scifi story that didn’t seem to fit comfortable for me, but I quickly discounted this and got back to enjoying the developments of the life of the two John’s.
I devoured this book in a few long sittings and was easy going. This book was a pleasure to read. A book about a youth, who matures. Just like my taste in science fiction. This is not a book for children or indeed young teenagers. Late teens and adults are the target audience and Paul Melko achieves this, a good book for my science fiction collection. Recommended.
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