This is a comic book review of Marvel’s Secret Invasion, written by Brian Michael Bendis, pencilled by Leinil Yu and inked by Mark Morales, with numerous contributions by others.
Ever feel like you’ve missed out on a great storyline? Well reading ‘Secret Invasion’ made me release I probably had missed out on some pretty good comic adventures proceeding this story. For example I didn’t have a clue who the Skrulls were, what a bunch of the superheroes had been doing in space and only vaguely knew a few of the characters.
You see I’m a DC comic guy normally, but on occasion dip my toe into the Marvel waters, especially as someone at my local library keeps ordering them in! Usually I think DC produce the superior comics, whilst Marvel superhero movie adaptations are superior.
Before reading this Marvel comic book, only a week proceeding I had tried to submerge myself in an Avengers comic book, but gave up as I couldn’t get into the story. However as I found, you shouldn’t give up on a set of characters, just because you didn’t like one story!
‘Secret Invasion’ had me intrigued from the beginning, probably helped by the fact I didn’t have a clue what had proceeded, but was curious to find out more. Even though it was Avengers heavy, there were numerous other Marvel characters such as Spiderman, Wolverine and a bundle who I just didn’t know.
Not knowing some of the characters didn’t stop me from enjoying the story. So what was this comic book about? Well an alien race called the ‘Skrulls’ have the ability to shape shift, and they’ve replaced a bunch of the superheroes! Nobody knows who is an enemy, ally or even a loved one. Matters only get worse when an invasion takes place and the forces of good, are on the back foot.
When picking up a comic book, not just the writing, but also the pencilling, inking and colouring can impact my enjoyment, and indeed whether I carry on reading. It is easy to become blasé about comics, but this comic book took serious effort and skill to produce.
Females would be forgiven for being disappointed in the amount of cleavage and bum cheeks on display, surely not wise in cold combat conditions!
This story is a great read that I finished in a couple of days. Even with my lack of Marvel knowledge, it was easy to get into, and has left me wanting to read more Marvel sooner, rather than later.
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