Once you get serious about decluttering your home, there are tough decisions to make. Though often a while after, you realise some of those decision really were not so tough after all. As was the case of sorting through our DVD collection, both games and movies.
Many years ago I gave my sister most my old VHS video collection. Last week we gave her over eighty DVDs. Including ‘How I met your mother’ box sets, Disney and Blade Runner amongst others. An conservative estimate would value the DVDs at roughly £240 GBP.
The fact of the matter is we don’t watch many of our old DVDs. We’ve kept many movies, but why have a collection you rarely watch? So reducing it was right for us, providing us with even more shelf space. The DVDs my sister does not want she can give away. We could of sold these eighty or more dvds on ebay, but sometimes giving items to family or friends is better.
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