We don’t eat eggs and far too many supermarket dips contain eggs, else your generally going the salsa route. However making your own dip isn’t just about avoiding a particular ingredient, but can taste so much better.
Take soured cream a reasonable cheap item, which can be used in numerous ways and a dip is one of the best. Add a herb, spice or sauce and it can be transformed. Ideal to accompany cucumber slices or bread sticks, though I will admit I prefer mine with spicy tortilla chips!
– Small container of soured cream
– optional addition *
* So the optional addition could be chives, chilli flakes, hot ‘cholula’ sauce etc. My current favourite is chives and I prefer one ingredient in a soured cream dip, not a mixture. So for instance you could create two dips, one with chives and one with cholula sauce, giving you two distinctly tasting dips.
We often use dried herbs such as chives, but fresh is fine. Entirely up to you, experiment and see what you prefer.
Chives before being stirred in
Chives stirred in
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