It is time for an extended twitter holiday once again, possibly forever. So why am I writing about it on a blog rather than sharing a tweet? I thought I would share my insight after 3+ years of twitter usage and share why I am leaving.
In the three or more years I’ve tweeted with some great people, some of whom I would call friends. I’ve enjoyed water cooler chat, earned money through twitter and enjoyed the cultural insight. I’ve learned so much from so many people and I’m extremely grateful.
Before there was ‘follow Friday’ and twitters connection recommendations I used to regularly suggest connections to people. When people say they have tech issues I don’t hesitate to offer help. When people are having a bad day I often send a message.
Occasionally I’ve said something I shouldn’t have or stopped following someone I probably shouldn’t of. I am a guy who admits when he is wrong and apologise. Also I’ve had someone try and bully me, seen a lot of negativity and even seen tactics I last saw in the school playground.
A while back I wondered why someone wasn’t tweeting, only to discover she had passed away due to a battle being lost against cancer. Their twitter stream wasn’t filled with negativity, but dignity and vibrance. Something many of us could learn from.
Sometimes I wish people didn’t tweet as much and instead updated their blogs weekly. So many people have amazing rich insight to share, but rarely write 300+ words blog posts, such a shame.
The last year has been one of my toughest, but most of my twitter contacts wouldn’t realise. There have been deaths in the family, also people battling illness and some major issues. The outcome? I’ve been working the longest hours I have in years, sacrificing holidays, weekends and more. A firm realisation of what I want from life and what I need to do to achieve it.
With this lack of time I’ve been neglecting twitter and when I do pop on I feel out of touch with contacts as it would take a while to catch up on their streams.
Recently a genealogy contact deleted their twitter account. I don’t know the reasons, but can understand some of the possible motives. It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve known people who have deleted their accounts. Whilst I am not deleting my account I’m going to take an extended holiday from twitter, possibly forever. I’ve taken twitter holidays before, but for me twitter has changed.
I’m going to miss a small group of people, but most have blogs and know my email. I’m going to turn off my twitter notifications including DMs. Goodbye Twitter.
Andrew, I will miss you sorely. Thanks for all the tweets. x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
I was sorry to hear you are leaving Twitter Andrew but wish you all the best. I know from experience that life can be really hard sometimes and I hope things turn around for you before too long.
Thank you Becky and Celia for both your responses, much appreciated and very kind.
All the best
Hi Tracey,
We’ve probably only ever sent each other a handful of ‘tweets’, yet regularly leave each other blog comments. I don’t think micro-blogging can match the full blown blogging experience. Take your blog for instance, the richness, the depth and content is a joy to read. The ability to explore a topic and express thoughts through a writing style and rhythm that flows from one paragraph to the next. Twitter just doesn’t offer a platform that match, but obviously it adds another form of connectivity, which I’ve turned away from for the reasons previously mentioned.
Cheers for the reply.
All the best
I often struggle with twitter … for me it has it’s up days and down days … I hope the break serves you well, and it’s nice to know I can always catch up with you here. Take care.
My dearest Andrew,
you were one of the first persons I met on Twitter and I am so happy to get to know you through your tweets (in the last 1,5 years), which were witty, geeky, informative, charming, caring….and so much more!!:)
I surly will miss you*Linn*
Hi Linn,
Thank you for your lovely reply. It was great getting to know you also through twitter and now we communicate via blogs and email. Your caring and fun nature shines through and I’m sure we won’t lose touch. 🙂
All the best
Dear Andrew,I have only just learned this. I am so sad that you are leaving Twitter possibly forever. Thank you for your kind, genuine and honest tweets over the last year or so that I have known you. You are one of the best. I do hope your circumstances improve soon – rest assured I will think of you and sincerely hope we will see you tweeting once again – twitter is all the poorer for losing you.
I hope all is well at Postcard towers and you are having a great weekend. Though not the best motorcycle weather today.
Cheers for dropping by and leaving your lovely reply, very kind of you.
It has been great tweeting with you and I also love the postcards. I’ve got an old postcard collection myself and must do a blog post about them soon. See you in the genealogy forum. 🙂
All the best
I was thinking of you, checked your stream, and ended up here. You are one my Twitter connections, whom I call a friend, and that for a little bit over 2 years already, I know that, as they say, ce n’est qu’un au revoir.
Federique 😉
Hi Frederique,
Cheers for stopping by the blog and leaving a lovely message. I also consider you a friend. You are one such an inspirational person. Over the years you have inspired, been kind and great to chat with.
I must head over to your blog soon, I’m sure it is jam packed full of funky posts waiting for me to read. 🙂 Catch up soon and hope you have a grand week.
All the best
Hi Andrew,
I was thinking of you today, and wondered why I hadn’t been in touch with you for a while, so I went to your twitter account and ended up here.
I’m sorry to hear you’ve had a tough year, and even more sorry that you won’t be around in my twitterverse (at least for the moment, I do hope you’ll come back again, eventually)
You’ve been extremely helpful, and massively encouraging to me and I am extremely grateful to have gotten to know you. I believe we’re still connected via Skype- please message me, I would love to chat and hear how things are going for you, and to find out how I can support you.
Hi Claire,
Good to hear from you and cheers for dropping by. You are another incredible and motivational person I’m lucky to know.
Thank you for your kind words. Very kind of you. I am on skype still, just checked and saw your connection there. Must catch up soon.
I hope your secret project is progressing. 🙂 When it launches let me know and I can help promote it via the small business tech blog.
All the best