Never read the Invincible series before and I start out with Volume 8! Oops.
I’m a DC comics fan, so weary of picking up graphic novels from other lines. Why? Generally they can be quite different to what I’m used to and DC have so much to offer I tend to stick what I like. Having said that in the past I’ve read a few Image Comics and quite liked them, which Invincible is from.
So what is a graphic novel? Comic book would be another way to explain it. So did I like this one? Yes it was fun and interesting. The story line of a threat from outta space mixed in with relationship issues on Earth, plus a minor storyline on earth was handled extremely well and was fun. Walking outside of the DC world, this Image series goes further in gore and death. Which generally I’m not comfortable with, this was not overdone, but beyond what I normally read. When people with ability and powers fight, its not unfortunately going to be a sprained wrist and arm in bandage all the time is it?
I rarely keep updated on comic news, so unsurprisingly this series got by me until now. I knew nothing about the characters, the plot etc. So was glad that volume 8 wasn’t hard to get into, even though I really should of started with volume 1!
You primary follow one character and then his involvement in a super hero team. It isn’t all fighting and glory, there are issues such as relationships and romance problems and dealing with super powers. These help keep the story line grounded in a way, not all sci-fi superhero antics.
I’m glad I read this comic book and although I don’t plan on reading other Image comic book lines, I intend to read more of the Invincible series in the future.
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