This is a review of JSA (Justice Society of America) Darkness Falls.
So this graphic novel, aka comic book is basically a story arc compiled together into one book. Saving you the effort of having to individually collect the different comics. The JSA (Justice Society of America) which is a crime fighting team of super heroes, some with special powers, some with pure skill or ability.
Does this graphic novel represent the best of graphic novels? No. Is it cutting edge? No. It is however a well produced fun read. As expected from a DC series it is well drawn and if you’ve read DC for a while most the characters should be familiar. Dr Fate, Wildcat, Hawkgirl and others.
This comic book published in 2002 may be old, but is a solid read. There are four primary stories contained within. Darkness engulfing a city area, secondly a fight against Kobra, thirdly Wildcat fighting for survival against the Injustice Society and lastly Extant (of Zero Hour fame) actually recreates the universe. All these stories in the one comic book!
Perhaps the Extant story line justifies its own graphic novel, but then the DC crowd had Zero Hour, so here it is tucked nicely into place with the other stories preceding. Having said that the reality is the first story regarding the darkness ‘shines’ (sorry couldn’t resist) more than the others, and is also the introduction of a new Dr Mid-Nite.
I’m a DC fan and enjoy the JSA outings. I don’t keep updated with the latest comics, but know what I like. I’ve read this particular comic book a few times and I deem it light going and fun. It is JSA, it is DC, the outcome rarely is a shocker, but that being said I find the stories interesting.
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