Heard of Iron Man, the Hulk, Captain America or Thor? Well television and movie goers should of as Iron Man, the Hulk and Captain America have all been on the big screen. There was also a major Hulk television show. Plus Captain America and Thor both have movies in the works and all them should be appearing together in the future, in the ‘Avengers’ movie. There is a lot of interest around these characters currently.
For once I start a series at the beginning! Volume 1! Not the beginning for these characters in comics, but a reasonable place to start if interested in the ‘Avengers’ series. This 2005 series is from Marvel, which I admit I rarely read, being more of a DC person, but this is a top quality comic book.
The storyline is nicely pieced together, well written, drawn and inked. It covers Captain America during the second world war and then brings us to current times with a decent story and the other characters. It has some twists and unexpected turns, that gives it greater depth and quality.
One major part that was fun to read was Iron Man’s, Thor and Captain America’s interaction. How can these characters gel? This was handled head on and superbly put together.
I’m sure this graphic novel, aka comic book will be read by many others interested in the upcoming movies and fair enough. Yet this is a good series to read for what it is, a good storyline produced well.
This Marvel series is promising and although I’m five years behind, I intend to read the rest of the series, which interests me more than watching the upcoming movies.
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