If you enjoy superhero comics, especially DC Universe then this graphic novel is for you. Green Lantern, Superman, Batman, The Flash, Green Arrow, Extant, Bat Girl and many others are all here. Importantly it touches upon the fact some of the Justice Society of America (JSA) have been superheroes for a seriously long time (decades) and confronts the issue in a clever manner within this graphic novel.
This graphic novel like many others is a collection of individual comics brought together, in this case the Zero Hour storyline arc. A storyline from the 90s, that for me is still a great read all these years later. It includes many of my favourite DC characters and time travel is littered throughout.
So what is it all about? Eventually it turns out someone is destroying the universe from both ends of time. The centuries are slowly disappearing and it primarily up to the heroes of earth to deal with. Like many major story lines there were many tie-ins with individual comic lines (such as Superman or Green Lantern specific series, even though the characters in this graphic novel), those supporting storylines are not included and hardly mentioned. This is a collection of the main Zero Hour comic line and not a Batman or Superman tie-in for instance. This keeps the storyline flowing, less complex and on track.
Now at the time of writing this review Hal Jordan is about to made famous as Green Lantern by Ryan Reynolds, in this graphic novel he isn’t the Green Lantern, but appears. Mysterious? Intrigued? I don’t want to give away a major part of of the storyline and ruin your enjoyment, but worth a read for any Green Lantern fan.
So if you enjoy DC comics and time travel stories, this is a great graphic novel to add to your collection. I’ve read it numerous times over the years and still find it enjoyable.
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