We almost didn’t make it to Lincoln market. At the train station the ticket person wouldn’t sell us tickets to Lincoln, as they had been told not to, as the trains were apparently too full. Instead we were advised to buy on the train if the train conductor allowed us on.
As we stood there waiting ten minutes on the platform, we were unsure whether we would be allowed on, but all was well as the train rolled in, as we could see plenty of seats on this two carriage train. I quickly asked the conductor if it was okay to buy tickets on the train, and with a nod we boarded the train.
Night fell as we journeyed through the countryside, and we arrived at Lincoln train station to find it packed full of angry people, complaining about a cancelled train, and needing to find a bus. As we squeezed through this crowd, we were thankful to find ourselves outside the station.
The first stop was food! We headed off in the direction of a ‘Pizza Hut’, which was in the opposite direction of the market, but our energy needed restoring.
Pizza Hut was busy, but we managed to grab a table and during ‘Happy Hour’ as well! Once all available pizza was devoured and the salad bar were emptied by yours truly (only joking), it was time to head off to the market.
Lincoln city centre is basically located on a hill, and we were at the bottom needing to be at the top!
Luckily after a short stroll we found a park and ride bus stop! I asked the attendant the price, and it was £1.50 per person. Whilst we waited for the bus, we had a lovely conversation with the attendant, who was happy to chat about Lincoln.
Then onto the bus and don’t hold me to this, but I think the bus stopped at Rasen Lane. A minute or two of walking and we were amongst the masses strolling into big canopy tents, looking at all the stalls.
Some of the stall owners had gone to a lot of effort, and were dressed up in victorian clothes, and even though it was busy, I didn’t see any tempers flare (at this stage of the visit) or pushing and shoving.
A popular item this year for ladies are winter hats with animal ears. I’ve seen them in different parts of the UK, and they do look pretty snazzy. These hats were for sale, as well as some people wearing them, which was advisable as it was a cold night.
We found ourselves near a fairground, with a big ferris wheel.
Then shortly after we were strolling along old roads with beautiful looking old houses. The Christmas market was well organised and we were following a set route, and soon we came across the ‘Medieval’ area.
Down stone steps hundreds of years old, into a semi-ruined historic area we ventured. Alas not disabled friendly, but I was thankful to be seeing this historic part of Lincoln.
It was in this area that we stopped for a coffee and tea. Shortly afterwards a young man tried to have an issue with me, which was a shame. We strolled along medieval stalls, and into a large cellar area. I must admit at this stage I had long since lost interest in the goods people were selling, and was just soaking up Lincoln’s historic side.
Once out of the medieval area we brought roasted chestnuts for £2 per bag, and I quickly remembered why I’ve not eaten them in years!
We had already been up since 5am and at this stage had travelled for hours earlier in the day and were feeling a bit tired. We were also conscious that there were only two trains left back to where we were staying, with the last train at only around 9:27pm!! So we decided to admit defeat and slowly stroll through the city back to the train station.
The walk back took us down the famous ‘Steep Hill’ (not pictured), and I was thankful I had not had a drink or two, as you do have to have your wits about you to walk down. Years ago I had seen someone on a mountain bike speeding down the hill, and I can easily imagine the outcome!
Even at just after 8pm the city night-life was waking up and youths were out in groups, a couple were already drunk and two other people were shouting at those around them for no apparent reason – a shame.
We hopped onto a 8:27pm train and the warmth of the train was luring me to sleep, but awake I stayed chatting to the others about Lincoln’s Christmas market and the historic location.
Lovely photos of historic Lincoln even more pretty in wintertime. Chestnuts were £2 a bag in Knaresborough also, astonishing price but tasty nevertheless
Hi Pam,
Cheers for leaving another lovely comment on the blog. 🙂
I had last eaten roasted chestnuts as a child, and had forgotten I didn’t like the taste! Glad you enjoyed your roasted chestnuts though.
Hope you had a lovely time at Knaresborough.
All the best