I have grown wary of many shop brought drinks, as often there is too much going on flavour wise, or too many ingredients that I would rather avoid. Sometimes I just want a basic refreshing fruit tea, but baring cost in mind. Many people are happy to pay a premium for a packet fruit tea drink, which I used to, but I now avoid more often. So I set out to try a few different fruits, that were just sliced and had hot water to accompany – simple and cheap.

I wasn’t going to squeeze whole oranges into a mug for a stronger flavour. I wanted to see what would generate a reasonable flavour when sliced and stewed. I kept it simple and tried grapefruit, lemon and orange.

Not surprisingly the lemon won, but I thought the grapefruit might actually provide more flavour, but alas no. The orange if stewed hardly provided any flavour, which wasn’t a surprise at all.

So I just ate the grapefruit and oranges, and stuck with sliced lemon. All you have to do is wash the lemon, slice it and then place two or three slices in a mug, and pour the hot water. In five minutes you have a refreshing fruit tea drink, which is stronger than you might think.

In the comments it would be great to read about your ‘cheap’ homemade drinks.
Hi Andrew – Thanks for conducting some fruity experimentation … I’m loving the idea of just using slices of lemon to create a soothing drink. I should try that today (I have a bit of a sore throat).
We’ve often popped lemon and lime wedges with some mint leaves into a jug of water … it makes for an icy cool drink in summer (but probably one not very useful for cool days).
Hi Tracey,
I had a cool mint drink years back at covent garden in London which I enjoyed, so your lemon, lime and mint drink sounds great. 🙂
The weather is like a yo-yo here currently, but when hot I will look at trying the drink you mentioned. 🙂
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