Back on the 4th Jan I wrote an article about my 2011 New Year Resolutions. I thought I would write an update on my progress. If you don’t have new year resolutions yet, why not decide to set some and please let me know what your resolutions are.
Walk more!
Last week I walked ten miles during lunchtime breaks and on days off. Ten miles isn’t a great distance, but more than I would of usually walked in recent years during a working week. As well as the health benefits, I’ve enjoyed the sights, sounds, fresh air and especially when my wonderful girlfriend was with me. There will be weeks when I don’t go out as much during my lunch breaks (such as this week with rain and deadlines), but that is fine. When I do take a reasonably long stroll I’m using DailyMile to track my progress.
Try to avoid people who whinge.
I’ve made great steps and am sure I’ve ruffled a few feathers along the way, which wasn’t my intention, but so be it. I’ve avoided some people, limited my interaction with others and walked away from some friendships. I’ve not walked away from people who genuinely need my support. I’ve found it has helped with focus, happiness and stress levels.
Learn a few new meals / recipes.
My first new meal of the year was homemade chips which I will get round to blogging about at some stage. Not complex, but it is what I wanted to try and tasted darn good!
Write more!
I am writing a lot more as you’ve probably noticed. On my personal blog I’m currently posting daily and elsewhere I am writing more also.
Improve my English and Maths.
Through writing more I am hopefully improving my english, but have not focused on some specifics I wish to cover. Maths wise I am doing sums in my head or written down, rather than using a calculator when possible. When working with spreadsheets I use the spreadsheet function though as I am often dealing with huge data sets.
So I am giving my new year resolutions both time and focus. Putting them firmly into my daily life and although some weeks I won’t be able to move forward with all, hopefully over the year I am living up to my chosen ‘word of the year’, which is ‘progress’.
I should really avoid people who whinge and moan too much. I spend too much time listening to other people’s ‘problems’ that I really couldn’t care less about (that sounds really bad, I know 🙁 ).
Good luck with your resolutions.
Hi Becky,
I think there is a difference through supporting and listening to people with genuine issues and listening to people who just whinge and moan for the sake of it. 🙁 I wish you luck with avoiding the later people as it can be quite tough.
Thank you for the ‘good luck’. Much appreciated.
All the best