Back in the 1980s I was a Cub, and I was a member of 2nd Frimley St Peter’s Cub group in Surrey (England). I was a member of Yellow Six, which is a sub-group within the group, and unsurprisingly consisted of six cubs. All the photos in this blog post, apart from the last one show my Cub initiation.
Along an often muddy area (torch required at night) pretending to be a road there was (and probably still is), a massive hall / hut where I would visit once per week. On the whole I enjoyed being a Cub, but for me it never felt like a group of compadres on those weekday evenings (I’m sure it did for some though), but I did often have fun and learn something new. It must have been tough for the organisers to manage a large group of young males. I don’t envy their task, but admire their commitment.
Looking back, for me the highlight was the football (soccer) at the weekend. I was part of the Cubs football team, and enjoyed being a defender and occasional midfielder. I think the football was organised by Ron? We often played in the park opposite Frimley Park Hospital (next to where Marconi’s was based). Other times we played at Frimley Green rec.
Did the Cubs change my life? Unfortunately no, which is probably why I didn’t have any interest in becoming a Scout afterwards.
On a related topic, my Sister was a girl guide at Frimley Green, based in the building on the right, just before the bridge leading to the King’s Head Pub.
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