Many years ago I visited Berlin on a business trip and was only there a couple of days with a colleague. I remember how quiet Berlin was compared to London and I especially remember how lovely everyone was I met, including a kind beggar who helped me operate a train ticket machine and gave me directions.
I unfortunately didn’t have much spare time but enjoyed the evenings and got up early to go out for a walk before all day meetings. I remember the Christmas trees lining the roads waiting collection and the cold crisp winter air.
It is funny how small the world can seem at times, as I discovered when speaking to a waitress at the Hard Rock Café, who also once used to be a barmaid at a pub I used to play pool at years back. Another evening was spent at an expensive restaurant (expenses covered by company) followed by a few beers back at the hotel. I also visited the university with business colleagues and enjoyed a canteen lunch.
It was my second trip to Germany, previous I had visited Hannover (again on Business). With a camera in hand I took a few snaps in spare moments. I also did find time to visit a chocolate shop to buy a present for my wonderful girlfriend. Before I knew it I was flying back to the UK. I didn’t have much time there, but from what I saw and experienced I’m sure I will return to Berlin one day.
The reason why the title includes ‘Analog’ is it was before I owned a digital camera, so the photos were taken using film. I scanned the photographs in a while ago and below is a small gallery.
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What a great post Andrew,
Berlin is much prettier nowadays!:) They build a lot and everything is shiny now. You would be super surprised if you are going to visit it again:)
If you ever want to visit Hamburg. Alone or with Sarah our sleepy couch is yours!:)
Hi Linn,
I enjoyed the Berlin trip even though I didn’t have much time. I must visit it again soon. I just couldn’t get over how quiet it was there.
Thank you for your kind offer, we must visit you at Hamburg one day! Plus vice versa. 🙂
All the best