I brought a cheap Argos table, made out of chipboard and after a while it became quite wobbly. This was quite a problem as I use a laptop on it, and I’m not sure it was good for the laptop, and it impacted my writing flow. This desk is never going to be rock solid, however decided to make it more stable, and I’ve decided to tell you how I did it.
Note: The alterations I made to the desk are not animal and child friendly. I am not advising you to do what I did. I’m just telling you what I did to make my cheap desk / table more steady.
Tightened the screws.
I turned the desk upside down and was astonished by how loose the screws had become. I didn’t unscrew them, but instead tightened them all up, but unfortunately one just kept going round.
I put in additional support.
For a grand price of just 48p (GBP), I cheaply put in four L shaped metal brackets for extra support. I already had eight screws I could use, and I choose to fit them to the top area of the desk.
I am tempted to add / fix more L shaped metal brackets to the table in the future. They are cheaply available from my local DIY hardware store, so it is an option.
The desk is now less unsteady and better to use my laptop on. I don’t plan on having this desk years from now, but intend to use it for a couple of more years.