The Food & Drink Challenge is coming back!

Back in February a group of us took part in a Food & Drink Challenge. Each individual picked a group of items not to consume for that month. It was an eye opener for all involved. It was great to hear from others taking part and we all supported each other.

Now the challenge is back, but not just for a month! This time it’s three months! September, October and November.

First of all a warning! At times you will be subjected to peer-pressure, such as people trying to tempt you with treats. There will be people dismissive of the challenge, but actually jealous of your commitment and willpower. There will be occasions such as birthdays, holidays, evenings out and all sorts of events to tempt you with items your not eating or drinking. There will be plenty of reasons you can think of not to take part!

So why take part? Weight loss, money, mood, life style change, addiction or perhaps just trying to be a more healthy person. Everybody has their own reasons.

For me the last challenge impacted food budgets, weight loss, home cooking, sleep, productivity and more.

I’m writing this blog post in July to give everyone plenty of time to consider what they would give up and why. So it could be just one item for three months or a huge bunch. You might falter along the way, you might even fail, but you just might complete it!

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