Linn und Kai our friends in Hamburg Germany kindly sent us a second box full of naughty German food, plus tea (they know me well!). The Christmas gift package arrived before Christmas and was a very welcomed surprise.
I love trying food from around the world and being vegetarian still means there are plenty of wonderful items to devour.
We are currently organising a food package to send to Germany, so hopefully they will like their box of British treats being sent shortly.
Cheers Linn und Kai.
Hello Andrew,
thank you very much for giving our goodie box an extra page on your Blog!!:D
We are so happy that it reached you in time and that you enjoyed trying Food from Germany!
As being a Foodie myself I really look forward to the box you and Sarah are packing! And as far as I know I love everything that is sent from the heart!:D
All the best and thank you again for the lovely post!!
Hi Linn,
Thank you again for the German goodies and it was very kind of you and Kai. Was such a lovely surprise.
Hope you are having a grand week.
Pip pip