Tempus Fugit! Back on the 4th February I took a personal blogging vacation and now I’m back. So let me begin afresh by writing about about a lovely cuppa!
The world gives us Brits too much credit for knowing our teas, we consume far too much, but there is a clear divide in British knowledge. Many British people know what they like by brand only! i.e. PG Tips, Typhoo, Tetley etc. Nothing wrong in this at all….for me it all changed when my girlfriend entered my life and my tea world was ‘stirred’.
I typically drink Indian, Kenyan or Sri Lankan grown black tea with milk, but these days no sugar and I like it stewed far beyond what most would find acceptable. For I now love strong tea, no delicate flavours for me please, but something that will happily accompany a biscuit, flap jack or a hot cross bun!
My better half also likes strong teas, but is a fan of fruit tea as well. One thing we have become are ‘Twinings’ snobs. Assam, Ceylon, English Breakfast and Russian Caravan from ‘Twinings’ are incredibly good, but even better when we catch their offers! Another brand though that recently surprised us was from ‘Morrisons’ the large UK supermarket chain. Another firm favourite is ‘Captain Scott’s’, from Tesco.
So now I’ve bored you silly talking about tea….let us talk about coffee!
‘Taylors of Harrogate’ rules my ground coffee world….well it did until the cafetiere broke! My favourite ‘Taylors of Harrogate’ offering has to be ‘Lazy Sunday’. I make it strong, drink it black and with a teaspoon of sugar. I enjoy drinking strong coffee from all over the world and ground coffee is a lovely treat to aid my writing and tech adventures.
So now I have told you about my favourite teas and coffees, I want to hear about your favourites. Either write a blog post or leave a comment.
Now please excuse me, I think I need to raid the biscuit container for a chocolate bourbon to accompany my tea.
Hello Andrew!!:)
Bloody brilliant that you are back. I so missed you!!:) Loved your blog post and if you wanna know what is in my mug today- follow the link?!:)
Looking forward to upconming posts of you!!!
Oh I forgot.
Are Twinings Fans really called Snobs in UK?? I would rather call them knower-and-lover-of-great-tea 😀
Hi Linn,
Thank you for your welcome back. 🙂 It is fantastic you have written a response post! 🙂
I think drinking Twinings is often seen as being ‘posh’, but it is quite popular in the UK and is on supermarket shelves, so a good mixture of the UK population must drink it. Twinings is not the cheapest tea in the UK though.
Cheers once again for the lovely welcome back Linn. 🙂
All the best